Monday, October 1, 2007

Ruins and Rainbow

For the final shoot of the Slot Canyon Workshop we drove from Page to the Wupatki National Monument to shoot some ruins at sunset. One of the "participants" could never seem to keep up when we drove to each location. While we waited for him to catch up the sun didn't.

I waited until about 15 minutes after sunset for the light in the sky to darken to the ambient light and took this photograph of the Wukoki Ruins. The soft lighting did a great job of bringing out the unique colors of the rocks and vegetation.

A few images from the Lower Antelope Slot Canyon. While the upper canyon is almost entirely flat, this canyon was much more cave like. You enter it by walking across a sandy riverbed and gradually descend through a crack that starts about as wide as your foot and opens to about 15 inches where you climb down a series of ladders, through small passageways to the bottom/end of the canyon.

While driving back to Page the sky was completely clear so I washed my car. I awoke this morning at 5am to the sound of rain. :) Driving around this morning looking for a place to take a sunrse photograph this rainbow appeared. I accidentally turned on the auto-focus and the camera focused on the clouds when I pressed the shutter release making this image unusable. In seconds the rainbow became a complete arch but as I switched to the wide angle lens it disappeared just as quickly.

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